



You will find a lot of information on our site about who we are and what we do.  But we would be amiss if we offered all of that, without also telling you why we do what we do.  It's not difficult really.  Some people try to make it harder than it has to be.  

Basically, we believe that there is something bigger than all of this...that someone or something created us and this place we call earth.  Let’s just call it a him and let’s call him God.  We believe there is a God. 


There's a book called the bible that has a lot of writings about the God we believe in.  It’s basically a collection of ancient stories that give us some insight into God’s character.  His personality.  We don’t think the bible is magical any more than we think the Holy Spirit is a magician.  The Holy Spirit is part of God.  That’s what the bible says.  It goes something like this…


God created everything.  Then, we screwed it all up.  So, He had us kill some animals as a sign of our being sorry for screwing things up.  After a while though, He grew tired of it and cleared the canvas and started over.  I think he felt bad about that because he said he would never do it again.  Sounds like something I would say after eating a ghost pepper.


After a while, we screwed things up again.  But God was a man of His word so clearing the canvas wasn’t an option.  Instead, he decided to make a baby with a human woman, and have a son who would take the place of the animals that we used to kill to show how sorry we were for screwing up.  The only bad news was that God’s only son would have to die in order to take the place of our previous animal sacrifices.  His death, and more importantly his ability to raise himself from that death, would provide a once and for all sacrifice for all of us screw-ups.  If the son could pull this thing off, it would mean that we would never have to be screw-ups again.  Sure, we would continue to screw up.  But God wouldn’t be mad at us anymore because Jesus, that’s his son, would have made things right once and for all.


Fast forward a couple thousand years, and you have two sides of the coin.  People who believe at least some variation of what I just said.  Or people who reject it.



We believe there is a greater purpose for all of us.  Life is so much more than time clocks and paychecks.  We aren't hippies.  And we are trying not to be hypocrites.  Our goal is simply to contribute to the conversation of health and they are lived out through relationships and Kingdom advancement.